Back to the drawing board
Well we're going to have high hopes for you this cycle. Try and get some of those Ovulation Predictor Kits, so you can catch your two most fertile days. When I was struggling to have Tyler over 4 years ago I lived by those OPKs. I used Clear Blue Easy Ovulation Predictor sticks. They caught my 2 most fertile days and well Tyler is a very active 3 year old now. Good luck sweetie.
P.S. - I'm an Army Wife too. My husband Todd spent the 2nd year of my sons life in Iraq last year. They better not send him to Afghanistan after this one is born, as that would suck taking care of two by myself. Anyways pleasethank your husband for his service for me.
I used OPK's, a ferning microscope and temping. I charted it all on I had my IUD taken out in March and waited until May to "officially" start trying. By all my records I ovulated on May 7th, but the last two ultrasounds showed him measuring a week bigger, so I guess he was concieved the first time we actually "tried". I swear by fertilityfriend.
Good luck and may Aunt Flo not visit for atleast another 40 weeks!!
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney">;10728;28/st/20110112/n/Blake/dt/-1/k/3fb3/s-age.png">>